On Mon, 4 Mar 2002 philip_at_awale.qc.ca wrote:
> On 04-Mar-2002 Hans H?bner wrote:
> > One of the classic "Kombi" style german cars is the Volkswagen Passat
> > Variant, which you can see at
> > http://www.autobischof.ch/autobischof-vw-passat-variant-600x359.jpg
> That's what I would call a station wagon. Where were the SUVs of the 50s.
> For the historically inclinded, the "station" in "station wagon" were the
> buildings that were pretty far away on the ranch.
> -Philip
The SUVs of the '50s were the Dodge Powerwagon series of vehicles, which
were direct descendants of some of the WWII military vehicles.
- don
Received on Mon Mar 04 2002 - 16:21:53 GMT