Tony Duell wrote:
> > Yes, pretty expensive. I seem to remember from an 1968-ish catalog,
> > seeing prices of a dollar or two for basic 7400 series TTL, like a 7410.
> > The more complex chips (more than a few gates) were three or four dollars
> > a pop.
> I was actually quoted \pounds 17.00 (or thereabouts) for a 74154 the
> other week. Fortunately the 74LS154 was a lot cheaper and would do in the
> unit I was repairing....
> -tony
I was just reading a bit on TTL while looking for something else.
In 1965 a 7400 gate was $20 and Candy bars 5 cents.
Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
Received on Tue Mar 05 2002 - 19:58:29 GMT