Seen on RISKS-L

From: Ben Franchuk <>
Date: Fri Mar 8 13:14:28 2002

"Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" wrote:
> > > Or do they mean the discs themselves aren't readable anymore, regardless of
> > > whether you've got a Domesday machine or not?
> > Stone tablets still keep better.
> But there seem to be few if any people around who have the hardware and
> knowledge to read Stonehenge.

Who said anything about reading them? I said they keep better. :)

BTW The Stonehenge circle is believed by some to be early calculator
( priest powered ) for calculating the major events of the seasons ,
stars ,
 sun and moon cycles. Stonehenge era designers used a lot of
 TTL ( timber^2 logic) rather than CMOS ( Complex Mon-Olithic Structures
 in the design.
Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
Received on Fri Mar 08 2002 - 13:14:28 GMT

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