Interesting places in Chicago area?

From: Feldman, Robert <>
Date: Wed Mar 13 08:32:37 2002

American Science and Surplus does have some interesting things, but not too
much in the way of electronics, and the prices are fairly high. I've never
been to the store in Geneva, but if you go out to Fermi Lab, Geneva is not
too far from Batavia, where Fermi is located.

George, if you are interested, I can send you the email of someone at Fermi
who is on the HPLX (HP Plamtop computer) mailing list. Used to be that Fermi
was pretty open (with the Illinois Prairie Path running right through it),
but after 9/11, they tightened up. I'm not sure if it has relaxed again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Veeneman []
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: Interesting places in Chicago area?

I'd also be interested in hearing about places in the
Chicago area, even as far out as Rockford and
Milwaukee. Thrift shops in Chicagoland just aren't
the same as the ones here in the Washington D.C.
area, but for general hardware stuff an interesting
chain to visit there is American Science and Surplus.
I've been to the Chicago and Geneva stores in years
past, and there's always something unusual or
interesting -- but not necessarily computer-related.
They have a website now, .


Received on Wed Mar 13 2002 - 08:32:37 GMT

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