HP 715 and IBM 6091 monitor

From: Thomas Strathmann <thomas_at_tstrathmann.de>
Date: Sun Mar 17 08:43:33 2002


I have recently got an IBM 6091-19 monitor and figured I could use it with
my HP 715/80 workstation but it doesn't work. Setting different video modes
in the HP's boot monitor does not do very much either. The best I get is a
partly readable but vertically diverted (sorry, I don't know how to
describe this properly) picture. Looks like it cannot sync. Do you have any


PS: I also tried the switch on the monitor to no effect.

Thomas S. Strathmann				 http://pdp7.org
If God had intended Man to Smoke, He would have set him on Fire.
Received on Sun Mar 17 2002 - 08:43:33 GMT

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