ZX81 BASIC (was Re: ZX-TEAM meeting and Webcam)

From: Stan Barr <stanb_at_dial.pipex.com>
Date: Mon Mar 18 13:25:28 2002


Eric Dittman <dittman_at_dittman.net> said:
> > My ZX81 has Forth ROM...I *hate* Basic ;-)
> Is this the ROM from the Jupiter Ace?

No, it's Skywave Forth which was available as a replacement ROM
from David(?) Husband in Bournemouth, England circa 1983.

Fig-forth based with multi-tasking and multiple (text) windows were
the main features.

Stan Barr  stanb_at_dial.pipex.com
The future was never like this!
Received on Mon Mar 18 2002 - 13:25:28 GMT

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