NIB: OS/2 Warp Connect, red spine

From: Doc Shipley <>
Date: Wed Mar 27 00:47:18 2002

  I was at a thrift store this evening and they have the aforementioned
still in the shrinkwrap for $10. Oh, yeah, it's the CD-ROM, not
floppies (did Connect even come in floppies?). I already have the blue
version, so if anybody wants it for $15 + shipping, I'll go get it.
First ask gets it. Don't forget, it weighs a couple of pounds....
Shipping will likely be $6-$10 stateside.
  That's right, I intend to make the lordly sum of about $4 for the trip
into town. :)

Received on Wed Mar 27 2002 - 00:47:18 GMT

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