On Tue, 14 May 2002, Doc wrote:
> > > Aww, man! how come the good stuff is always on the other side of the
> > >country?
> >
> > Or Texas... what is it with Texas... why do you have all the old
> > computers? Is NJ using other states for landfill again??
> Maybe, but I know for sure we get 400 tons ** a day ** of raw sewage
> from NYC.
> We call it "The Poo-Poo Choo-Choo"
You chew NY's poo-poo?
Peace... Sridhar
"How do you fight such a savage?"
"With heart, faith, and steel. There can be only one."
-MacLeod and Ramirez, "Highlander"
Received on Tue May 14 2002 - 18:35:52 BST