[CCTALK] FW: Off-Topic: Goodbye to ftp.digital.com?

From: David Woyciesjes <DAW_at_yalepress3.unipress.yale.edu>
Date: Wed May 15 09:52:48 2002

> From: Paul Vixie
> Subject: Re: Off-Topic: Goodbye to ftp.digital.com?
> i have just communicated with the operators of gatekeeper.dec.com (with
> whom ftp.isc.org shares a cage at PAIX) and was told two things.
> 1. HP plans to fully support gatekeeper (now that the merger is done),
> and has approved a 1-Terabyte expansion to its disk storage subsystem;
> 2. ftp.digital.com is no longer the same computer as gatekeeper.dec.com,
> it's a machine on the east coast somewhere.
> i've asked whether there's any problems looming for ftp.digital.com, and
> i'll report back here if i hear anything. but gatekeeper.dec.com (which
> i had a hand in creating back during my 1998-1993 stint at dec.com) is
> absolutely safe from harm.
---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818
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