If you look inside and find the FDC, you'll probably find a standard FDC LSI.
If it's a WD 1771, you will be limited to SD recording, but certainly can use
soft-sectored media, since the controller can't do hard-sectoring.
If it's a 179x, or a NEC 765, it can do DD recording, which still means you
can use soft sectored media. If you have a NEC uPD371 (maybe 372) you may
have to have hard-sectored media. I doubt that's the case, however, since
ISTR that NEC stopped production on that before Radio Shack got into the
computer business. (Allison ... ?)
If you need media, derperately enough to use old media, perhaps I can help you
out, but if you need RS software, I can't.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tarsi" <tarsi_at_binhost.com>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: [CCTALK] TRS-80 Floppies
> I have a RadioShack TRS-80 Model II with 8" floppy drives. I *believe* it
> takes SS/SD disks, but can someone confirm this? Does it required
> hard-sectored disks?
> I'm trying to find some 8" floppies to work in this machine.
> Also, if anyone has TRSDOS or any other software for the TRS-80 line on 8"
> floppies, would you let me know? I'd be interested in getting some copies.
> I believe the drive *inside* the machine is a Shugart, but the 3 drives in
> the extra drive pack extension, I have no idea.
> Thanks,
> Tarsi
> 210
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Received on Wed May 15 2002 - 13:48:54 BST