I usually have good success with the foam-type screen cleaner sold as
aerosol. It is meant not only for the glass part (tube itself), but also
for the housing, which is certainly made from the same material as the
keyboard. Apply as described: spray on, let soak for a while, then wipe
off with a paper towel. Admitted, this is a bit more tricky with a
keyboard than with a screen, but it is possible.
Even moderately filthy keyboards do not require taking off the keycaps
this way, so it's a quick method.
I wouldn't trust the dishwasher either, it may use temperatures that
could melt or at least harm the plastics. Let alone the chemical
processes, and the warnings in the manual of the dishwasher about
Jeffrey Sharp wrote:
> I'm going to clean a Sun 3 keyboard today. Its keycaps are filthy. The
> strategy I've used in the past for the keycaps is:
> * Goto the kitchen. There is a double sink there.
> * Fill one sink with hot, soapy water and the other will cold, non-soapy
> water.
> * Dump the keycaps into the hot sink and let them soak for a while.
> * Slosh the keycaps around a bit.
> * Transfer the keycaps to the cold water. If necessary, wipe grime from each
> one as it is transferred.
> * Arrange the keycaps for drying. Dry them with a hair dryer.
> * Test for dryness by tapping a table with a keycap. If any water drops
> appear on the table, repeat the previous step.
> I have a dishwasher, but I don't trust it.
> --
> Jeffrey Sharp
Andreas Freiherr
Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany
cctech mailing list
Received on Wed May 15 2002 - 12:13:31 BST