I bet Jay is extremely busy with this, so I'll step forward here with my
best guess as to how this all works.
1) cctalk is UNmoderated for subscribers, moderated for non-subscribers
2) cctech is moderated for subscribers, moderated for non-subscribers
3) cctech posts are forwarded (auto-crossposted) to cctalk
Part 3 above has an interesting side-effect. When a cctech subscriber posts
a message, it triggers a moderation alert as it is forwarded over to cctalk,
since the cctech subscriber is not a cctalk subscriber. This can be overcome
in two ways:
1) Subscribe to cctalk. Goto the options page. Disable mail delivery.
2) Wait for Jay to fix it.
Jeffrey Sharp
The email address lists_at_subatomix.com is for mailing list traffic. Please
send off-list mail to roach jay ess ess at wasp subatomix beetle dot com.
You may need to remove some bugs first.
cctech mailing list
Received on Wed May 15 2002 - 17:32:02 BST