John Foust wrote:
>At 01:14 AM 5/17/2002 -0400, Glen Goodwin whined:
>>a new server and software. However, I would like to protect myself from
>>Mr. Moyers' offensive rants. Since this is a private list, is there any
>>mechanism for banishment of gross repeat offenders?
G.G., did you ever consider that your rants may be considered quite
annoying by some, just as you find the rants of others to be
"offensive"? If you wish to avoid being offended, simply unsubscribe,
or switch to the new "protected" list, and you will no longer be at
risk of being offended. Rather easy, what? Of course, you could
always set up your own server and host the SPCNPCC (socialized
politically correct namby pamby classic computerist) mailing list. On
PCNPCC, you can then get together with others to whine about topics
like: how unfair it is for some people to have more classic computers
than others, and people who have systems that are more classic than
systems owned by others, and discuss the legislation that some of the
politically correct would probably want to remedy such problems, such
as state ownership of classic computers.
>By putting each Classic Computer Collector in their own
>separate mailing list, we'll reduce the number of offended,
>minus those who can successfully argue with themselves
>either by virtue of nature, nuture or medication.
Good idea! There's just one slight problem: those who can't
successfully argue with themselves may eventually begin to feel left
out. I suggest that someone write an A.I. program that can parse
their text and argue with them. ;-)
Copyright (C) 2001 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Fri May 17 2002 - 13:59:22 BST