Hey, Cosmac people -- I'm working on a Chip-8 emulator for, natch, the
Commodore 64.
There is a nice instruction set listing at
but it doesn't well document how the carry in register vf is used. For example,
does 7rxx use the carry even though it doesn't set it? What about 8ry4 or 8ry5?
These set it for borrows/carries but do they use them in the addition or
subtraction, like the 6502 ADC/SBC?
Also, what does 'skip' mean? Skip the next instruction?
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- High explosives are applicable where truth and logic fail. -- Marcello Corno
Received on Sat May 18 2002 - 11:54:20 BST