E&S PS-390

From: John Honniball <coredump_at_gifford.co.uk>
Date: Sat May 18 12:00:13 2002

Tony Duell wrote:
> They are basically very intellegent raster display terminals (there's a
> 68K in there + a lot of custom silicon). And they have all sorts of
> rediculous features (like the fact that on the offical keyboard there's
> an 8 character alphanumberic display for each function key that you can
> use to label it).

Wow, this sounds like the Apricot Microscreen! The Apricot has a little
LCD panel near the function keys, which can be set up in software to
act as labels for the keys. I presume the Evans & Sutherland was
similar? Did it use LCDs or something older? Is there a photo
of it anywhere?

John Honniball
Received on Sat May 18 2002 - 12:00:13 BST

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