I'm interested in the DEC 3000s, I'm trying to arrange to have it picked up.
If that doesn't work, I'm sure you'll have others interested. I don't have
much apple hardware, but I do have some interesting books. A red book, some
inside apple DOS books, and others. if you're interested, I can go take a
look and give you a good list.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Owad" <owad_at_applefritter.com>
To: "Classic Computer" <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 07:46 PM
Subject: Largish computers for sale in PA
> I'm a bit unclear on how this new list setup is supposed to work, so my
> apologies if I've sent this to the wrong list or in the wrong manner.
> I have a couple of systems for sale in York, PA. I don't want to ship.
> Email me if you have questions or want to make an offer. Preference is
> given to people buying more and taking it away sooner.
> SparcServer 470
> Power supply has problems and the cards are stuck in too tight to get
> them out with the plastic tabs (IIRC, I broke one of the tabs). Nice
> chassis, though, and aside from the PS, the cards are probably good.
> Similar to <http://shidahara1.earth.s.kobe-u.ac.jp/shidaharaimage/
> workstation2.gif>.
> DEC 3000 800
> This is pretty nice. No keyboard or mouse, but it appears to power up
> and you might be able to get a terminal working with it. It has an Alpha
> (RISC) processor and I'm [i]told[/i] 256 MB RAM. The hard drive is
> something like one or two gigabytes and is supposed to have a BSD
> installed with the password set to something generic like "password".
> This was going to be the new Applefritter server but I got fet up with
> trying to get a terminal to work with it. Looks similar to the two
> towers in <http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:A8Idr5_kU7MC:www.rz.uni-
> wuerzburg.de/system/pix/wrzx1415.gif>.
> DEC 3000 something-or-other
> This is pretty junky but might have some good parts. Free with the DEC
> 3000 800. Looks similar to
> Altos 3086
> This was made into a CAD system by Slice. This is a pretty cool looking
> setup, has a big drawing tablet, and a huge stack of manuals.
> Information on the Altos: <http://www.aurigae.demon.co.uk/works.html>.
> This also comes with a generic PC or a terminal, or something along the
> lines of that. If you need more details on any of these systems, let me
> Apple Macintosh LC 580
> Working and includes ethernet card. I have a couple of these.
> Things I'm looking for:
> Apple and Mac clones
> Neat Apple stuff
> Amiga 1000 keyboard
> Whatever I need to get my Altos running (the catch is I don't know what I
> need yet, though I'll definitley need software for it on 8" disks)
> Tom
> Applefritter
> www.applefritter.com
Received on Sun May 19 2002 - 19:04:25 BST