No, that's not it. It's about the right color and size but the ones here have a much wider panel on the front. They also have a programmer's panel that's about knee high and a paper tape reader that's slightly less than shoulder height. The PT reader looks like it might be the same as the one in your other picture.
At 09:59 PM 5/20/02 -0500, you wrote:
>on 1/1/98 2:55 AM, Joe at wrote:
>> Speaking of rusting hulks, Mike was here and spotted two OLD!!!! Bendix
>> computers at one place that we visited. He's going to try buy them. I don't
>> know what they are but they have paper tape readers and a programmers panels
>> on them.
>Were they Bendix G-15s? Those are awesome. I've only dreamed of owning one.
>Paul Pierce has one:
>Owen Robertson
Received on Tue May 21 2002 - 07:55:45 BST