Rumor has it that David Woyciesjes may have mentioned these words:
>- I'll try to remember to bring my camera, and snap a pic of them for
>you tomorrow...
That would be cool...
>> And I thought finding compatible memory for my 3000/300 would be bad!
>> Anyone have a list of the compatible memory vendors for that beastie?
>- Didn't Doc just offer some?
Yes, as a matter of fact he did... right after I clicked *send*... ;-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger --- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right??? Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Tue May 21 2002 - 14:27:43 BST