amd has several products: AMDASM, META29M
these days Hale from HIlevel tech costs 2300$+
AMDASM is documented in the bit slice bible
Mick and Brick (Bit Slice Microprocessor Design).
Check out
based in a TI TIM microcode assember, Output supports
AMDASM format. you'll have to enter in your own
machine definition. 2901 instruction avail from databooks or
2910 instructions here
Alas. it's only for win-blows.. c++ source is include if
'you want to port to *nix...
It is possible to define the standard 2901 and 2910
codes using AMD's mnemonics, but the custom
bitfields of your microstore would need to be defined.
Have a look at the KS10 microcode sources for a sample
of what DEC did on that 2901 design, possibly other DEC machines
(I think also Vax 730 was 2901 based). Looking at DEC's source-
perhaps a Perl
AMD used to prove a free fortran source for their PALASM
to code for their early PALs.. AMDASM was rumoured to be
distributed as fortran source, but I have been unable to find it online
(or any where else for that matter). PALASM was published at the
back of their PAL data books, don't know if AMDASM was.
From: "emanuel stiebler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: AMD 2901 Microcode Meta-Assembler
> Ken Seefried wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know of a free or cheap, usable meta-assembler for AMD 2901
> > microcode? Or anyone have one they want to get rid of?
> Few years ago we had the discussion already. And, there was one guy on
> this
> list who wrote something like this. (because of some refresh problems, I
> forgot his name)
> What do you need it for anyway ?
> cheers
Received on Thu May 23 2002 - 12:15:10 BST