DEC Pro350

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Fri May 24 10:17:43 2002

--- Huw Davies <> wrote:
> I have a PRO380 which is sitting in a cupboard until I can find out how
> to install 2.11 on it. I'd love to talk to someone who has successfully
> gone down this path.

The patch I know about is for 2.9BSD so you can stuff it onto a Pro350.
2.9BSD does not come with MSCP support, but _does_ work on the KDF11.
I know that 2.11BSD supports MSCP but do not know if it natively supports
the Pro disk controller.

Worst case, if it isn't supported out of the box, you'd have to port
the Pro disk controller driver from 2.9BSD to 2.11BSD.

Are disks formatted on a Pro compatible with the RQDX3? I ask because
I'd probably want to format an ST251 as an RD33 in an RQDX3, load
stuff on a Qbus box, then move the disk to the Pro.


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Received on Fri May 24 2002 - 10:17:43 BST

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