I need some help. Jay West has kindly posted the file
"rt11freewarev2.iso.gz" at:
"rt11freewarev2.iso.gz" is about 171 Mbytes in size. It is my
understanding that
the full size file "rt11freewarev2.iso" is exactly 671,088,640 bytes in
size which
is the CD for the RT11 Freeware CD produced by Tim Shoppa. However,
the download of the "rt11freewarev2.iso.gz" file is complete, I end up
with a file
that is 687,282,673 bytes which is different in size and can NOT be
identical to
the full size (and correct - Tim Shoppa used to have the full size image
at his
site and I downloaded it before it was changed to a ".bz2" image) image
of the
actual CD.
I am using Windows 98 SE/Netscape 4.78 and the normal WinZip in case
is part of the problem. Jay has told me:
"I spent about 6 hours this morning redownloading (from Tim's site) all
freeware cd's, uncompressing them, recalculating MD5 hashes, and
them. The files I just downloaded compare identically with the files on
Tim's site, AND those files compare identically to the files I have had
my server for the past few weeks that you already downloaded. I even
downloaded those files from my server to my windows pc across the net
everyone else would, and they uncompress and compare identially to the
on Tim's site. The files on my server have been completely correct since
1. I don't know what happened on your end when you downloaded the files,
I can assure you what is (and has been) on my site is a correct
copy of Tim's."
I am confident that Jay is correct and that there is something I don't
with what takes place when I do my download. Can anyone suggest to me
I am doing wrong? PLEASE!!
Sincerely yours,
Jeremy Fine
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Received on Fri May 24 2002 - 22:26:30 BST