CP/M for the C-128 (was RE: A couple of firsts for me (Commod ore))

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue May 28 14:29:49 2002

--- Christopher Smith <csmith_at_amdocs.com> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ethan Dicks [mailto:erd_6502_at_yahoo.com]
> > have a C-128 - the later (AFAIK) model with the built-in disk drive.
> That's the 128-D.

Check. I went from the C-64 to the Amiga, so my knowledge of C128s is
very limited.
> > Since I haven't fired it up yet and since the previous owner did a
> > number on the innards with crappy wire and crappier solder joints (got
> What did he try to do to it, specifically?

He wired up some extra switches and lights at the front. Something also
taps power off the PSU. I should take pictures before restoring it.
"Things not to do".
> I'm not completely certain how the commodore 128 CP/M works, but if you
> mean to extract the contents of the disk to a peesee, I can imagine that
> may not work as expected. :) The only way to be sure is to try it,
> though.

No. I just wanted to archive off a disk image for posterity. I am not
horribly concerned about the contents. If I want to play with CP/M, I'll
use some other box than a C-128 (like this EXOR box I just got, or a


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