IBM 026 Printing Card Punch

From: Douglas H. Quebbeman <>
Date: Tue May 28 14:37:22 2002

> Here is the latest acquisiton of the VCF Archives:
> 20Card%20Punch&grouptag=IBM026
> A very neat machine. John Lawson helped me clean it up a bit over the
> weekend and we got it to do "stuff" but it's still not printing or
> punching so it definitely needs some more TLC.
> Look for it to be operational by and on display at VCF 5.0
> this September (dates to be announced very, very soon).

My First Computing Experience.

Sitting down to one of these to punch a set of job cards
and input data values to run a program that taught us the
binary search algorithm. It was a Purdue University during
the Summer Engineering Seminars, June 1974. The job was
processed by PUFFT, Purdue University Fast FORTRAN Translator,
a system that ran on a beautiful IBM 7094.

Later that same day, I was typing ALFIE programs on an ASR33
hooked to their CDC 6500 via PROCSY, Purdue Remote Online
Console SYstem. All my program did was accept some input
and display vulgar expresssions. Later that week though,
I was printing roots tables to tale back and use in my
Physics class my senior year in high school.

Received on Tue May 28 2002 - 14:37:22 BST

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