--- Antonio Carlini <Antonio.Carlini_at_riverstonenet.com> wrote:
> But you could add in a spare drive and drop VMS
> onto that on you Alpha - you can boot VMS and it
> will leave your Unix disks alone if you don't mount
> them and vice versa.
Disks for the Alpha are no problem. It has 6 x 1GB that are, essentially,
blank (they used to hold a custom database of library card-catalog
data from its former life, but I wiped them). Worst case, I pull the
1 giggers and drop in some 2s and 4s.
I do not have OpenVMS CDs for Alpha. I would happily load OpenVMS on
this box if I could. Digital Unix holds no fascination for me. I've
played with Ultrix. I use Solaris on a daily basis. I don't expect
to make my living in the next 5 years on DU, so it can go out the
window (might as well leave the DU3.2 install on the RZ73, though.
Don't need that disk for anything else).
> Then you cluster you VAX with your Alpha and
> and mount the CD and off you go.
That all makes sense, once I get that far.
> >I also have a couple of KA630s and and a DEQNA, but no DELQA. :-(
> DELQAs are two a penny. I'd send you one
> but shipping would be prohibitive from the UK.
I got $0.04 here :-)
I know that they can be gotten cheaply here, I also know you can pay $50
plus cab-kit if you need one *NOW*. If I'd gotten to the middle of
the Hamvention earlier, I could have had two with a KA650/BA213 to go
with them for $20, but others beat me to it. :-(
> If it is a VAXstation II/2000/8000/3500 then you'll still have problems
Nope. Got plenty of VS2000 hardware. Don't do much with it because
I haven't gotten the SCSI patches working yet and if I want 0.9VUP
performance, I'll go with a uVAX-II or the 8200.
It's some flavor of 4000. Don't know which one because I haven't
seen it yet.
>(although if it's a VAXstation 8000 I'd like to have your problems :-))
No doubt. I remember drooling over the 56-bit-plane graphics (double-
buffered 24-bit graphics plus an 8-bit menu overlay) back when my
best machine was an Amiga 1000. Drop a better CPU in the box and
you have got a fun toy. They sure were expensive. Wonder if DEC
ever sold more than a handful of them.
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Received on Tue May 28 2002 - 17:21:58 BST