How do VMS Condists work?

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Tue May 28 17:25:49 2002

--- Dave Woodman <> wrote:
> DELQAs seem to go for about $10 on (squeamish people look the other way)
> Ebay.

I have had poor luck on ePay. I have lost more auctions than I've won
because I disagree with shipping as a profit vehicle, plus I like to
*buy* not *shop* - the BIN scheme makes things a little better, but
not as satisfying as calling someone up and *ordering* something. The
only real *win* I've had was for a very-OT automobile - a 1998 Saturn
wagon w/manual transmission for under $4K located about 2 blocks from
my old high-school. I'd better get a bunch of years out of it for that
price, let me tell you.

Plus... is that $10 for the card alone, or do you get the cab kit with
that too?
> The Digital Unix box would be fine to 'dd' the cd in order to get the
> image though.

Right... so would anything else UNIXy, too.


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Received on Tue May 28 2002 - 17:25:49 BST

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