I did this with my VT-320; I melted the plastic on the
RJ a bit because without the tab it was loose in the
socket, so it's a tight friction fit. I wouldn't use
it in a biz environment, but it works for me.
--- Bob Lafleur <bob_lafleur_at_technologist.com> wrote:
> Can I "force" an RJ11/12 cable into an MMJ jack? I
> thought I had an MMJ
> cable, but I don't. I've got a 4-wire cable from an
> LK201 keyboard that
> I can snap into the MMJ, but it doesn't fill the
> whole thing, so I
> assume only 4 wires will make contact, which I doubt
> will work. If I
> take a regular phone cord, break off the tab, and
> file the top smooth,
> will it fit in the MMJ socket?
> - Bob
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Received on Wed May 29 2002 - 12:20:46 BST