Looking for documentation/software for a 32032 based coprocessor card man...

From: Innfogra_at_aol.com <(Innfogra_at_aol.com)>
Date: Thu May 30 03:53:29 2002

In a message dated 5/30/02 12:35:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
bernd_at_kopriva.de writes:

> it's not a SPARC card (such cards have been produced some years after my
> card), it's a card
> containing a National Semicoductor NS32032. The card maybe named Opus
> Sys/32 (or something
> like that, there have been some different versions with 32032 and 32332
> processors).

What bus is the card for or is it standalone? I had some Opus cards for an
ISA bus but they were based on the 88000 chipset, not the 32032.

Astoria, OR
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