there is also dump & restore, if the Sparc is running solaris there is
ufsdump and ufsrestore, and finally if all else fails tar
these programs should allready be (dump and restore) on the redhat box.
On Thu, 2 May 2002, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> So I finally got this TSZ07 that I've been wanting for a while so I can
> archive a mountain of magtape I have (including System III sources for
> the 11/780, on up to distro tapes of the 1990s). I can use dd to slurp
> stuff off of tape, but it's tedious. What tools are people using for
> tape archiving under Linux or Solaris? AIX seems to come with "tcopy"
> that essentially pulls everything off the tape until logical or physical
> EOT. I'm looking for something similar - point it at the drive and
> siphon it on down.
> At present, because of cable reach, I am talking to the tape drive
> through an Adaptec AHA1460 PCMCIA SCSI interface on a Dell Latitude LM
> running RedHat 5.2. I can address the drive fine and dump files with
> dd and cat. I'm looking for a bulk data slurper, source or RH RPM. I'm
> willing to throw this beast on the SPARCstation 5, but I'd rather not
> put it in that corner just yet. At the moment, the drive is several
> dozen times larger than the computer controlling it.
> -ethan
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Received on Thu May 02 2002 - 04:59:24 BST