PowerMac 7200/75 and "Open Firmware"

From: David Woyciesjes <DAW_at_yalepress3.unipress.yale.edu>
Date: Thu May 2 11:02:34 2002

> From: Christopher Smith
> --..
> I've been trying really hard to get the thing to give me an
> "open firmware" prompt, but have had no success.
> Right now I have a "converted" vga monitor plugged in, a Mac ADB
> keyboard/mouse, and an IBM terminal connected to the "modem" port,
> set to 38400bps, 8 data, 1 stop bit, no parity. The cable has
> been used recently on a SPARC, so I'm pretty sure it's good.
- Have you tried setting the terminal at 9600/8/n/1? That seems to
work for about everything, assuming someone hasn't changed the default

> .....
> Now, first, let me ask: Might the control panel not function properly
> if it's not in the "control panels" folder? I've just got it setting
> around on the drive, but it _seems_ to work. Not that I can actually
> see the "open firmware" stuff to make sure it's actually doing anything.
- I believe it has to be in the Control Panel folder to work properly,
and reliably...

- Which makes me think, and yes my question here it OT, so reply
directly... My OS X G4 has a modem port, but no other external serial
ports... (those bastards at Apple! :) Is there a way to hook up my VT420 to
it, so I can log into Darwin? Maybe using an external modem hanging off of
the VT420?

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   mailto:david.woyciesjes_at_yale.edu
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818
Mac OS X 10.1 - Darwin Kernel Version 5
Running since 01/22/2002 without a crash
Received on Thu May 02 2002 - 11:02:34 BST

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