PowerMac 7200/75 and "Open Firmware"

From: Chris <mythtech_at_mac.com>
Date: Thu May 2 12:11:09 2002

>> didn't think they started that until PPC's... but I'm not really sure
>PPCs? If you mean PowerPC, I'm sure it's got a PowerPC core ;) But I
>assume you mean something else.

Yeah, I dropped the word "later" ("until later PPC's")... caused by over
editing what I wrote first, which was something along the lines of "I
didn't think they started doing OF until the later model 603e/604's that
came out around the time of the first G3s, in the era of motorola

And when I diced that down to simplify my statement, I diced a little too

Sorry about that.


Received on Thu May 02 2002 - 12:11:09 BST

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