... and just exactly where does one find a precise reference to this
convention? I adopted my own style for making specific references to a
technology or brand name easier to find since someone has seen fit to make
this list's content available to anyone who happens to search on any term
occurring in the post. The consequence is that they then have to pick through
the post to see if the reference to what they think they've found is really
what they want.
BTW, grammar doesn't have an 'e' in it.
I don't think we disagree on this business regarding the popularity of
Windows. It's just the cheapest and easiest OS to get into if you know what
the average user knows.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris" <mythtech_at_mac.com>
To: "Classic Computers" <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: APPLEVISION Monitor
> >The MAC, for example,
> I have been ignoring this, but I just can't any more.
> Mac, as in Macintosh, as in the computer made by Apple Computer, is not
> MAC or MacIntosh, or otherwise. It is either "Macintosh", "Mac", or "mac".
> MAC (all caps) means something entirely different. (Media Access Control).
> I know you like to make sure your grammer and spelling is correct, so I
> figured I should point out the painfully mistake you have been making
> thru all your conversations.
> And now I return you to the regularly scheduled thread.
> >If it were so bad, would people really buy it if something
> >better, or even close to equal were offered anywhere?
> Yes. Window IS perfect proof of this. You will be hard pressed to find
> people that use multiple different OSes including Windows, and honestly
> believe Windows is the "best of the bunch". There are some, but then for
> any idea, you will always find some that believe the idea is the best. (I
> am discounting all arguments regarding having to use windows or any OS by
> neccessity. If the app you need is only for one OS, you use that OS
> regardless of if it is great or a peice of crap).
> And of course you are missing the fact that most people are too ignorant,
> and/or don't care enough to educate themselves to the fact that there ARE
> viable alternatives, many of which are far superior.
> -chris
> <http://www.mythtech.net>
Received on Sun May 05 2002 - 23:44:38 BST