On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 09:55:32PM -0500, Doc wrote:
> I don't know that I'd want to see the archives made members-only.
> There's such a huge store of knowledge there, along with our daily
> idiocy. Seriously, the archives and the hits I kept getting on Google
> prompted me to join the list. Otherwise, I'd not have ever known what I
> was missing.
> I believe Mailman is going to be the new list s/w? I'm pretty sure I
> remember a "strip headers" feature for the archives. That should
> improve things a lot.
I use mailman, and there's an option to replace member's email addresses
in the archives with the list address.
for an example.
Bill Bradford
Austin, TX
Received on Mon May 06 2002 - 10:34:30 BST