2708 Programming Algorithm?

From: Douglas H. Quebbeman <dquebbeman_at_acm.org>
Date: Mon May 6 19:40:20 2002

> FYI: over eraseing them seemed to kill them too.

Intel ROMs also had another strange behavior when
exposed to too much UV... they'd only work with a
little light (possibly needing some UV). I may have
told this one before, but one embedded system I
did suddenly stopped working when we close it up
in a box. Open it up, it would work.

On my suspicion that light was involved, we ran
it in a dark room; no run. Shined a flashlight on
it, ran fine!

A conversation with an Intel tech verified this
was possible. Too strange, tho...

Received on Mon May 06 2002 - 19:40:20 BST

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