On Mon, 6 May 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> I'm game ... where's the pitch/doc located?
I can't speak to the embedded object features, as I typically keep my
books in gnumeric. The prettification guys seem to be real happy with
it, though. ;)
And, you can try it out. It's free, and there's a Windows version.
> I don't have any version of WIndows after Win98SE. That's what I got at the
> thrift store for $3. It happens it was for a Winbook, which it happens I own,
> though it makes no difference. The Works was on the HDD on that P166 I got
> last week. I don't have the distribution media for it, though I have snagged
> distribution diskettes for Works in the sealed packs from DELL computers by
> the handful.
Um, I may have exaggerated, as an allegorical point.
> > OpenOffice v1.0 was just released. That's the OpenSource (free, to
> > you) follow-on to StarOffice 6.0. IOW, all the above for all the above
> > OS's for $0. MS-format compatible documents, spreadsheets, and
> > presentation app. Plus a lot more.
> >
> DO these app's share data so you can link from a form letter to a
> corresponding database that links to several spreadsheets? That's a handy
> function that's difficult to do without.
See above, plz.
> I notice you've danced around it but haven't simply pointed at a URL or named
> an application suite. Is there some reason why people aren't flocking to this
> the way they did to the original Windows? I remember the day Win3.11 came
> out, there was a long line at the local CompUSA with people wanting to buy the
> latest-greatest. I just wanted to get some diskette labels, but thought
> better of it.
Google is your friend. www.openoffice.org
ApplixWare. AbiWord. WordPerfect 2000. Although right after MS
dropped about a quarter billion USD on Corel, Corel dropped Linux apps
like a hot rock. gnumeric. Midnight Commander (mc). gmc, the GUI
version of mc. StarOffice. LaTEX. Emacs.
> Is that Open Office suite a complete set of software with the same sorts of
> object oriented features as are included with the MSOFFICE suite? I've
> learned over time to do some pretty handy things in Word, linked to Excel
> graphics through a database in Access. It would be painful to go back to doing
> that stuff manually.
Yes. Including email and webbrowsing.
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 01:55:07 BST