"Jerome H. Fine" wrote:
> And last but not least, the RA81 type drives probably also used an MSCP
> interface, but I can't remember the controller. Also, the very last and
Right. For completeness, the UNIBUS controller for RA type disks is the
UDA-50, and KDA-50 is for Qbus. Both can handle four drives, with a
separate cable running from the controller to each drive in a star
configuration. Other controllers are for BI bus, for use in a HSC50 etc.
The disk interface is called SDI (depending on where you look it up,
"Standard Disk Interface" or "Serial Disk Interconnect"), usually thick
black cables with a rectangular cross-section.
Andreas Freiherr
Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 04:21:33 BST