Installation Ease (Was: Re: APPLEVISION Monitor)

From: Douglas H. Quebbeman <>
Date: Tue May 7 06:41:49 2002

> [1] RedHat, and I believe SuSE, offer true walkaway install scripts.
> From a RH box, you can use a GUI point&click interface to set up a boot
> floppy that will install exactly what you want, How you want it. Insert
> floppy, turn on power, go away for ~25 minutes, come back, remove
> floppy, reboot. Gorgeous.

Slackware 7.0, once you finish answering the up-front
questions, runs by itself, although you can also choose
a "hand-holding" mode...

Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 06:41:49 BST

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