Ryan Underwood wrote:
> It's quite realistic if you depend on programs being able to talk to each
> other, and being able to operate them in a simplistic manner when necessary.
> For end users, it might be inconvenient (which is why we now have multiple
> abstractions in the form of desktop environments, GUI programs, and
> what-have-you), but the mere existence of the capability for a simplistic
> interface does not force the user to go through that interface.
True but often you need a full system to do the simplest tasks or
I don't use perl so why need my system have it if the only purpose is
configure scripts just so I can download the software I want.
I guess I am spoiled by T.COM a very nice 4096 byte full screen text
editor under DOS.Other than the 64kb file limit I think it is the
best editor out there.I still need to find a good windows/dos text
editor. I still think a OS needs to fit on a floppy too!
Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 09:31:21 BST