>Go on, nick a fruit sticker and scan it in as proof, dare ya...
I tried, but none of the McIntosh apples had stickers that say the name
on it. And the shelf tag was a nice plastic expensive looking plate with
nutritional info and stuff on it. Of course you would think that would
stop me from trying to take it, but no, it was the strong glue holding it
to the produce cabinet that kept it from being mine.
I did however buy one (figured it would be a good lunch snack), so I have
the nice sticker that says "#4019" to remind the minimum wage cashier
what number to punch in to charge me correctly.
BUT... as it should happen, the register receipt on their nice new fancy
POS terminal did show the name. (Point Of Sale for the acronym impaired,
not Piece Of Sh*t although I think the cashier would argue in favor of
the latter).
So the following link is a scan of my receipt (and the #4019 sticker)
showing the name as the receipt printed it. If anyone wishes to still say
the fruit is spelled MacIntosh, well, I leave it to them as an exercise
in web searching to validate it.
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 10:52:16 BST