>Chris (and everybody, for that matter) try OS X, if you get the
>chance. I think you'll like it, especially if you have some experience
>with *BSD or *nix already. Or I could show you next time you're up here,
I have X installed on another partition on my home iMac. I use it from
time to time, but I have a number of tools that I need that are classic
only, and just work better under OS 9 native.
Although, the #1 tool is Interarchy's stream watching abilities. They
don't offer an X version, so I have to use the os 9 version, which won't
work under classic. But this was really an issue of *nix ignorance.
Interarchy removed the ability from the X version, because BSD already
HAS the ability, something that I only just became aware of.
Chances are good, this weekend, I will boot back into X and give it
another whirl (my other hold out is a good web browser that will ALSO let
me do the daily AOL crossword puzzle... so far only IE in X will do it,
and I prefer not to run MS stuff if I have a choice)
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 11:27:19 BST