>I can't remember an instance where a Mac application allowed the
>user to enter the colons, although they were used internally, and
>you could use them in some developer tools that gave command
>lines or operated on "makefile"s.
I'm unaware of any "consumer" application that presents the colon to you
EXCEPT Script Editor when writing AppleScripts. But that should really
fall under the dev tools catagory, I just figured it was worth a mention
since it is installed with the default OS install.
I can say for sure that no time is the average user of a Mac forced to
deal with the colon for a path. For that matter, no time is the average
Mac user forced to deal with a path at all... on the Mac it is all laid
out in terms of storage inside folders. Sure, underneath the surface that
is all directory path stucture, but from the UI standpoint, it is much
more friendly to just think "I put my resume inside my Documents folder".
Windows has gotten MUCH MUCH better at removing the path structure from
the user, but it still isn't quite there (witness just about any
application installer that will still ask if you want to store the app in
"C:\Program Files\MyApp")
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 11:35:09 BST