No Post For U?! New system should be cool. I personally know of at least
one person who has joined because of the list's flexibility. Without this
list, new novices such as myself would have never known much about many
things, like SOLs, old Token Hubs and NICs, RS6k's, S390's, DECs, Sun and
SGI boxes, etc. The ability to blend it in with some more current topics, I
personally think, is what helps keep classic computing alive. It lets the
newer generations figure out where it all came from, how it evolved, etc.,
without having to just read about it on a web page and guessing the rest.
It gets you INVOLVED, which was partially the point of this list if I am
not mistaken.
At 01:39 PM 5/7/02, you wrote:
>Sellam wrote...
> > Mike, I've been trying to solve this problem for at least a couple years.
> > This list has slowly degraded into what we have today.
>Many of the recently discussed anti-spam and list policing features will be
>in the list once the new server is installed with the newer software. I am
>supposed to pick up the hardware today, hope to have it up and running
>within a week.
> > A lot of folks
> > who had a lot to contribute here have left because of this problem.
>Got any examples to back that statement up?
> > the possibility of creating a new list that bans off-topic postings and
> > successfully supplants ClassicCmp becomes likelier.
>I try to only post gentle reminders when it gets out of hand. I prefer to
>give people an opportunity to police themselves. I tend to only step in when
>it's pretty bad, and I think that's the way it should be. It sounds like you
>would prefer to set up a list where you can be a "list-nazi", but I
>personally think that kind of heavy-handedness turns off users worse than
>the occasional outburst we have here.
>Nuff Said
>Jay West
Founder, Lead Writer, Tech Analyst
and Web Designer Boff-Net Technologies
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 13:14:54 BST