Amiga path (was RE: APPLEVISION Monitor)

From: Jeff Hellige <>
Date: Tue May 7 13:27:02 2002

>At 01:58 PM 5/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>> An Amiga directory path would look something like this:
>> drive:dir/dir/dir> or Stuff:Tools/Commodities>
>Isn't the ">" an artifact of your shell?

        Yes it is. The above was typed as it would be displayed in
the shell, while it wouldn't include the ">" when typing the path for
a file operation.

>I would guess the path separator character in AmigaDOS
>came by way of Tripos.

        I've never had any exposure to Tripos but it would be
interesting to see just what was carried over.

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