Evolution of the WIMP (Windows/Icons/Menus/PointingDevice) Interface

From: Jeffrey Sharp <lists_at_subatomix.com>
Date: Tue May 7 21:49:11 2002

On Tuesday, May 7, 2002, Douglas H. Quebbeman wrote:

> I was a two-finger typist from 1976 until 1991. Once day while writing an
> article (for the Cobb Group's Inside QuickBasic), I realized I was no
> longer looking at the keyboard and my fingers were resting on the home
> row.

I experienced such a transition very early in my life. I was originally a
hunt-and-peck typist when working with my first kehyboarded devices, a
TRS-80 and a typewriter. I tried several typing tutor books and records, but
I could never get the hang of it. Somewhere in there, I started taking piano
lessons, which I think better organized my brain for making precise motions
with my hands while looking elsewhere. Pretty soon, I found myself
touch-typing at the computer. There was a class later in my student career
where we were to learn how to type. It was fun being able to type faster
than the teacher.

Jeffrey Sharp
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Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 21:49:11 BST

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