They are 9-track tape write-enable rings. They fit into a groove
around the hub-hole of 9-track tapes. At one time, these used to
be all over the place. Since the demise of 9-track tapes as a
common media, they seem to have become scarce. Shurely someone
needs some? (I could use a few, but not a whole lot...:)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 4:15 PM
> To: Classic Computer
> Subject: Tae Rings?
> Does anyone know what these are for?
> <>
> Excuse the 2d scan, my digital camera is at home, so I just
> tossed them
> on my flatbed scanner for the pic.
> I think they are rings for the tapes used on my old Zebra
> system (IIRC,
> it had some reel like tape canisters that fit in the top of
> it, but this
> is going WAY back).
> I found them in a drawer of a desk that was in the room that
> housed my
> Zebra.
> I don't want them, and am planning to pitch them, but before I did, I
> figured I would see if anyone knew what they were for, and if anyone
> wanted them.
> I have about 2 dozen of the yellow ones, and 5 or 6 of the
> orange ones
> (although not all orange, some are white/clear).
> Anyone that wants them, they are yours for postage.
> -chris
> <>
Received on Wed May 08 2002 - 15:28:02 BST