2.11BSD kernel probs

From: Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Wed May 8 15:46:26 2002

On Wed, 8 May 2002, Doc Shipley wrote:

> Hi, all.
> I've been trying to build a kernel with TCP/IP & DEQNA support for the
> PDP-11/93. After reassigning some of the overlay inclusions, the kernel
> builds OK, and will boot, up to looking for the root filesystem. The
> boot fails with an error that there's no root fs at major, minor (5,0).

  Well, now I wish I could figure out what I _was_ doing wrong.

  It's been 2 [very busy] weeks since I'd booted the /93, so I'm not too
sure where I left off. There is a saved Makefile I can peruse if I
decide to do a postmortem.

  Yet Another Google Attempt, looking for "type 431 too big" this time
(build-time error instead of boottime error) got me clued in to using
"size" to check the base & overlay segments. I genned another Makefile,
and all I needed to do was move a couple of objects from OV6 to OV5.
  As they say, "Bahdda-Bing!" The kernel boots, the BNC/RJ45
transciever lights up, and qe0 moves packets on request.

  I feel happy.

  Now to find an irc client that'll build, so I can _really_ impress the
local LUGgers....
  Thanks, all. As often happens, none of the suggestions was exactly
it, but they did put me on the right track.

Received on Wed May 08 2002 - 15:46:26 BST

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