Sharp EL-8 calculator

From: Don Maslin <>
Date: Sat May 11 00:43:42 2002

On Fri, 10 May 2002, Joe wrote:

> I just picked up one of these today but I didn't get the power cord.
> Does anyone of the list have one and if so can you tell me the pin out
> of the power connector? It has three pins and I beleive that the
> caclulator can ran off of AC or low voltage DC. Here is a picture and
> article of the same model calculator
> <>.

Joe, the 3-pin receptacle on the calculator accepts a cord from either
of two external power units. One being a unit that works off of 12vdc -
cigarette lighter - and the second works off of 110vac. The second unit
is capable of 8.7vdc _at_ 150ma as well as 9.6vdc @ 230ma. There are a
couple of charging modes as well as a charge while running on external
power and my suspicion is that this accounts for the 3 pins on the
connector. I will see if I can get something more definitive for you.

                                                 - don
Received on Sat May 11 2002 - 00:43:42 BST

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