VAX VMS 7.2 hobbyist CD

From: Pat Finnegan <>
Date: Sat May 11 10:34:05 2002

I've got a copy you can download. It's at - not visible from my homepage
but it's there.

-- Pat

On Sat, 11 May 2002, Bob Lafleur wrote:

> I don't know if this is an appropriate place to post this, so please
> forgive me if I have made an error.
> I am looking for a copy, or a downloadable ISO image of the VAX VMS 7.2
> hobbyist CD. This CD was previously available for order, but is now sold
> out. I E-mailed to the link on the VAX hobbyist page, and they told me
> that I can still obtain my own hobbyist license (which I have done) and
> borrow someone else's CD for installation. To me, this means that they
> don't mind the media being copied (as it's no longer available anyway)
> as long as each user still registers their own license.
> I don't expect anyone would be willing to make an ISO image of it
> available to the public. But, if someone could put it on a server
> somewhere and E-mail me a private link for download, that would be
> super. Or, if you're willing to snail mail me a copy, I'll pay your
> media and shipping costs. Thanks.
> - Bob Lafleur
> Springfield, MA
Received on Sat May 11 2002 - 10:34:05 BST

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