RDRX Disk Controller?

From: Jochen Kunz <jkunz_at_unixag-kl.fh-kl.de>
Date: Sun May 12 11:13:59 2002

On 2002.05.12 17:14 John Allain wrote:

> I was lucky enough to find an RQDX3 for a fair price recently, however
> it didn't come with the top cable. If someone could point me to where
> there is ribbon construction information

RQDX3 Dist Panel from BA23:

J1: Fixed Disk 1 Control (34 pin)
J2: Fixed Disk 0 Data (20 pin)
J3: RQDX3 (50 pin)
J4: Control Panel (10 pin)
J5: Fixed Disk 1 Data (20 pin)
J6: Removable Disk (34 pin)
J7: Fixed Disk 0 Control (34 pin)

RQDX3 J3 J1/J7 J6 J2 J4 J5
50 1 22 34
49 2 GND
48 3 14 32
47 4 GND
46 5 30
45 6 GND
44 7 1
43 8 8
42 9 10 26
41 10 GND
40 11 6 24
39 12 GND
38 13 22
37 14 GND
36 15 24 20
35 16 GND
34 17 34 18
33 18 GND
32 19 16
31 20 7
30 21 30 14
29 22 28 12
28 23 26 10
27 24 6
26 25 20 8
25 26 GND
24 27 32 6
23 28 2
22 29 2 2
21 30 GND
20 31 18
19 32 17
18 33 14
17 34 13
16 35 18
15 36 17
14 37 1
13 38 4
12 39 1
11 40 3
10 41 18
 9 42 GND
 8 43 12 28
 7 44 5
 6 45 8
 5 46 GND
 4 47 4
 3 48 GND
 2 49 14
 1 50 13

J1/J6/J7 1,3,5,7,...,29,31,33 GND
J6 4 GND
J1/J7 16 NC
J4 9,10 NC
J2/J5 2,4,6,8,10,11,12,15,16,19,20 GND
J2/J5 NC
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Sun May 12 2002 - 11:13:59 BST

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