On Sun, 2002-05-12 at 21:49, Tony Duell wrote:
> >
> > > All you need is a AUI --> Thinnet (10Base2) or AUI --> 10Bt tranceiver.
> >
> > I get the impression that two-node 10Bt networking can be done with
> > nothing but a crossover cable. (IE the chaining connection on hubs is
> > just a crossover) Is this possibly true, using just the cable?
> I beleive that one is possible. In fact I've seen crossover cables on
> sale for this purpose (this doesn't mean they _work_ of course :-)).
I'm using one right now (I have a mongerel of a network...)
My computer's heavier than yours.
Received on Sun May 12 2002 - 17:45:32 BST