Bidding Against NASA

From: Douglas H. Quebbeman <>
Date: Mon May 13 09:20:49 2002

> At 07:52 AM 5/13/02 -0400, Doug wrote:
> >Good Morning,
> >
> >I think this may have come up some weeks back...
> Where did you hear this? I deal with NASA frequently (as
> recently as last Wednesday) and I've nver heard remotely like
> this. I did supply two boxs of 8" floppy disks to NASA a
> couple of months ago but that was all thye wanted. I could
> supplied close to 100 boxs of new disks but they only wanted
> two boxs in order to keep one system running. That certainly
> doesn't qualify as "buying up all they can lay their hands on".

The local Gannett-rag-that-used-to-be-a-Pulitzer-Prize-winning

> >Anyone else here ticked of that not only are they
> >trying to keep that questionable pig flying, but
> >they are doing it by reducing further the quantity
> >of collectable stuff? Screw the boost in value...
> 8086s collectable? Yeah right! Only if you believe the
> rants of the E-bay sellers!

I would say that if you had a Seattle Computer Products
S-100 based CPU card, that you'd indeed have a collectable
item. Worth megabucks, no. Collectable, yes. Why? It's
probably not the best x86 CPU card for an S-100 frame, but
it was the first to run Microsoft DOS (QDOS).

So it should be at least as collectable as issues #2 & #3
of Dr. Dobb's Journal, for example. If you don't think so
and have one you'll send me for postage, the collection
would be most grateful.

Received on Mon May 13 2002 - 09:20:49 BST

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